Tuesday 4 June 2013

Classy Summer Hair

Summer time is the best for rocking the different updos. We tend to stop blow drying/ straightening our hair in the summer, as it is just too hot. Also Ottawa is too humid, and by the time we step outside the hours spent straightening our locks, feels like a big waste as the summer frizz sets in.
In the past, women wore their hair up all the time. Elaborate updos and twisty knots were an expected part of a woman's dress. The lovely 1800-1900 ladies had updos that kept their necks cool, their hair clean, and also gave them classy silhouettes.
Instead of giving into the voices of the scissors that say: chop, cut, lighten your load of heavy hot hair, we listen and look to the voices of the classy ladies from the past. Women who rocked gloves, top knots and curly twisty, pretty updos. 

Charlotte loves a high bun, as it keeps her hair off her neck and dresses up her look. To switch the look up a bit, Leah did a simple French braid underneath and came up with the: 

The Classy Zipper Bun!


(You will need a friend, roomie, sister, mother to help you with the first part)

Step 1: Flip your hair upside down. Have your designated braider-friend plait a French Braid starting at the nape of your neck, upwards.

Step 2: Braid as high as your would like your bun, leaving the ends loose. Secure in a ponytail.

Step 3: Wrap your ponytail around a couple of times and secure in place with a few bobby pins. 


Ta-da! Finished! 

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