Thursday 26 September 2013

Brush those hair blues away!

Lately Miss Leah has been busy learning the arts of all things hair related. She even gave her first hair cut last week to our lovely and patient sister Elese. Way to go! : )

The benefit to all of us is not only great blowouts and updos, but Leah has also been sharing all her new hair knowledge! Wow turns out even with years of reading Glamour, there is still something more we can all learn about how to look after our hair.


The big 'new' piece of information is:

If you brush your hair the right way, you will have a radiant and luscious mane! 
We have a confession to make..sometimes in the rush of the day, or how we feel, or if we aren't leaving the house..we just don't brush our hair. We throw it up, tie it up, or go for the messy look...Or if we want a more wavy look, we finger comb it.  

At first we didn't think it was that big of a deal, sure ya we brush our hair and get out those tangles, etc. But really how great is it? 

Turns out brushing your hair is one of the best way, (next to a scalp massage and healthy diet : ))  in order to keep your hair healthy and radiant! It is SO amazing because:

1. It stimulates your blood circulation which helps bring more oxygen and nutrients to your hair

2. It cleanses and removes any garbage from products that stays in your hair 

3. It stimulates hormone and oil producing glands which helps the hair glands keep their own natural oils. 
Apparently hair loss is a result of this oil producing gland being out of whack, and Leah heard a story of a balding man who massaged his scalp to release these oils and guess his hair grew back! Kinda neat and gives hope to Charlotte who is worried that she will have thinned out hair as a little old lady. : ) 

4. A natural bristle brush is ideal, apparently boar bristles are the closest to the texture of human hair and the best to use.

The best way to brush your hair is: 

Convince your partner/sister/mother/friend to give you a scalp massage : ) Apparently massaging your scalp a couple of times a day, really helps in keeping your mane nice and healthy. 

Bend over from the waist down. This position helps blood flow to your scalp, which helps hair growth etc. 

Third: Starting at the nape of your neck, brush your hair with slow strokes for 3-5 minutes. Brush the sides and crown all the way to your front hairline. 

Fourth: Stand up nice and straight and repeat the process, brushing your hair slowly. This helps the natural oil to coat and condition your hair. 

Who knew their was a science to brushing your hair? : ) There is a grain of truth to those girls brushing their hair a hundred strokes a night! 
Time to pull out the right brushes and get our manes nice and shiny! Perhaps one day our dream of looking like a Pantene Pro-V hair model will come true. Hahaha 

If you want to read more information and look for great products check out the article Leah read: here

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