Thursday 20 March 2014

Homemade Body Butter

This winter we find our skin has been taking quite a toll. Do you suffer from dry winter killing skin? We definitely do and combat it with a fierce weapon: Homemade Shea Butter! Our Mama was the one who decided enough was enough with buying expensive lotions. Shea butter is one of our favourites, but is always on the pricey side. Plus there are so many other ingredients in those lotions we just can't pronounce.

After perusing the web, our Mama found this interesting blog: Rawmazing and loved her recipe for body butter. All you need to make creamy, smooth body butter is:

Organic Shea Butter ( solid)

Coconut Oil (solid)

Almond Oil (liquid)

A few tips when making the Body Butter:

1. These oils are just a suggestion. You can use whatever oils you wish, just remember this important ratio:
75% solid to 25% liquid.

2. Chilling is important. We made our body butter and found it didn't whip very well, so we stuck back in the freezer for 20 minutes. It whipped up perfectly afterwards.

3. It doesn't get moldy :) There isn't any water in this recipe, so as long as you keep it in a cool place it can last a few months. It doesn't have to go in the fridge.

Check out the full recipe to make the body butter here! We can't wait to experiment with fragrances. So long store bought body butter!


  1. Lovely body butter! We've been doing this for a while because the boys have the DRIEST skin ever and it is the only thing their skin will tolerate. My favourite source of shea butter is here:

    They have a great selection for other supplies...

    1. Hey Susy! Thanks for letting us know : ) We will check it out!
      Dry skin is the worst. Do you add fragrances at all? We plan on doing some experimenting..
      I think we should have a knitting night/gab session soon! We miss you.
